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Packaging Automation has become an inevitable trend

From the definition of packaging automation, it is the use of automated device control and management of the packaging process, so in accordance with a predetermined program automatically. The whole process of circulation in the community, the packaging can play protection, landscaping, promotion, sales product features, improve product competitiveness. In continuous and large-scale industrial production process, packaging is the final process.

In today's society, Packaging Automation has been used in various industrial production and social construction, in the food, pharmaceutical, relatively speaking, the broader application of various shapes, different physical properties of drugs encountered during testing the problem will be more, but after the detection of data transmission and processing, the control system will not be required to stay in the current extent, this requires the electronics industry and the joint efforts of the packaging industry, the need to bring new pharmaceutical packaging machinery timely electronic technology into practice, the need to explore the two industries.

In the conduct of medical packaging machinery automation automated way we defined more widely, more detailed, research and more deep, rising from a mechanical automation to the automation of the entire packaging workshop, part of the packaging process to the entire packaging process, the entire production line and the entire plant will be designed to become an inevitable trend.

International packaging industry attaches great importance to improve the processing and packaging machinery throughout the packaging system's general ability, so packaging machinery parts production specialization is the inevitable trend of development, many parts are no longer produced by the Packaging Machinery Factory, but by some universal standard parts plant, some special parts from the highly specialized production factories, real famous packaging machinery plant will be an assembly plant. This is a long and arduous process, each manufacturer has its own nuclear technology center China's packaging industry, how to get everyone to comply with this standard protocol, there is still a long way to go.