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About Ink Jet Printer (Inkjet) applications

About Ink Jet Printer (Inkjet) applications
     Today, the identification technology is gradually in-depth every corner, especially in industrial applications increasingly wide range of applications greatly increased complexity makes the production of a variety of industries identified as an important and indispensable component.

     Manufacturers identify their products mainly due to the following aspects:

     (A) beneficial product identification. Marked on the product through a special logo, brand names and trademarks patterns, etc., can make products from the competition, increase brand awareness.

     (2) the need for product tracking record. Product lot number, frequency or production date printed directly on the product, making each product with good traceability, greatly facilitate enterprise quality management and product management area.

     (3) to prevent counterfeiting. Manufacturers often for product identification through prevention, suppression counterfeiting, the new technology makes those legitimate manufacturers have been able to lead to counterfeiters.

     (4) increase the value of the products. Logo on the plastic pipe manufacturer's trademark or name implies a commitment to consumers is often considered a more perfect quality tracking, product quality and responsible enterprise products

     (5) improve production efficiency and reduce production costs. Stenciling Stenciling choices in different industries in the food, beverage, building materials, wire and cable, pharmaceutical, chemical, electronics, etc. have applications in many industries, so choose the most suitable type of inkjet printer products is particularly important.