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The study concluded about sealing machine

Sealing machine with the attached tape device sealed carton sealing, rapid, easy to adjust, can be a complete upper and lower sealing action, you can also use marking tape, but also enhance product image, automated packaging of choice for enterprises. Sealer is a key component of the drive motor. Motor power the better. Sealing machine features: lightweight, durable, easy to operate; side belt drive for a narrow cardboard box; bottom belt drive. For higher cartons;

For sealing machine equipment we may only know so much, we have not considered other aspects made it? Below the author and study together sealing machine performance and technology development.

A sealing machine energy-efficient research

Sealing machine equipment is the core energy components to improve system efficiency is the most direct and effective means to improve the efficiency of the device sealing machine, it will bring a significant reduction in energy consumption. While also avoiding such measures only in the system (such as blindly increase the heat exchanger area, etc.) caused a significant increase in material consumption. In recent years, with the world's growing energy shortage situation, more and more emphasis on energy each country to work on the energy efficiency of the product of the increasingly high demand. Since various types of losses such as friction, leakage, harmful heat, electrical losses, flow resistance, the presence of noise and vibration, sealing machine work efficiency is much lower than the actual theoretical efficiency. Thus, in theory, possible to reduce any loss of any one of measures to improve the efficiency of the sealing machine. The objective fact led to a saving of sealer wide range direction wide variety of research topics and research.

Relative to the refrigerator sealing machine industry, the domestic air sealing machine energy-saving research also looked placid, sealing machine efficiency over the years no qualitative change, greater market demand makes most of the air sealing machine business to focus focused on the expansion of production capacity. With the national energy efficiency requirements for air conditioners to further improve and export all kinds of hidden dangers of air conditioners progressive rendering, the domestic air sealing machine companies will not be able to adapt to such a short-sighted energy development of the situation, but also to the subsequent development of weak corporate .

2 sealing machine equipment noise and vibration study

At present, the noise has been regarded as one of the serious pollution. Household equipment as a power source and heart, sealing machine noise issues in order to become a measure of its overall performance is an important indicator. In fact, for a sealing machine is concerned, most of the noise is due to some noise source housing is generated by the excitation (e.g. by a spring, refrigerant pressure pulsation, exhaust pipes, oil quantity, etc. excitation). But sealing machine noise sources and pipeline complex and diverse, which gives the muffler noise sealing machine brought great difficulties.

About sealing machine equipment noise, vibration, scholars from various countries have been carried out large and long-term research. Here in this regard the main research work is summarized as follows:

Sealing machine equipment, the main noise source is the intake and exhaust aerodynamic noise radiation, mechanical moving parts and mechanical noise generated by the drive motor noise is composed of three parts:

2.1 aerodynamic noise

Sealing machine equipment noise is due to the intake air in the intake manifold pressure pulsations generated. Intake noise baseband with a gas inlet pipe in the same pulsation frequency, and sealing machine speed related. Sealer exhaust noise is due to air flow in the exhaust pipe pressure pulsation generated due. Exhaust noise ratio intake noise is weak, so the sealing machine aerodynamic noise generally intake noise based.

2.2 mechanical noise

Mechanical sealing machine equipment noise components generally include impact, friction, vibration of the piston, valve noise and the impact, the noise with a random, was wide band characteristic.

2.3 electromagnetic noise

Sealing machine equipment, electromagnetic noise generated by the motor. Motor noise and aerodynamic noise and mechanical noise is weaker compared. Sealing machine noise source in the intake and exhaust aerodynamic noise the strongest, followed by mechanical noise and electromagnetic noise. Through in-depth research, the noise can be further considered mainly from the housing sealing machine vibration (Department by the spring, medium pressure pulsation and suction, exhaust pipes and oil excitations) spread to the surrounding air medium formed by noise. Radiated noise around the lower sealing machine, numerous literature (slightly) proposed a series of NVH measures and programs:

① Increase the shell structure in order to improve the overall rigidity and reduces vibration amplitude resonant frequency;

② curvature mutation prevents the case, to the surface, the natural frequency is inversely proportional to the radius of curvature, the shape of the housing should have the smallest radius of curvature;

③ Move the suspension springs supporting the position with high rigidity;

④ shell plane should be used as little as possible; bending stress and membrane stress coupling (only appears on the surface) causes the shell itself has a greater rigidity, thus sealing machine housing should be used as little as possible planar structure ;

⑤ exhaust pipe and the condenser to avoid the incentive to optimize exhaust gas pulsation, using the exhaust pipe introduction of additional volume method to eliminate the pressure pulsation spectrum of high harmonics;

⑥ using asymmetric shape of the housing; having a symmetrical structure means that a three-dimensional axis, along the axis of maximum stress and the path of least resistance. Therefore an asymmetric Sealer shell structure means being able to greatly reduce the force along a major axis simultaneous occurrence probability;

⑦ Set the intake and exhaust muffler, closed sealing machine is generally resistant muffler muffler, which uses changes in pipe cross-section, the resonance cavity to cause changes in acoustic impedance acoustic energy reflected or consumption, or the use of acoustic sound path errand phase difference 180 contributions to offset the noise muffler. In sealing machine outside the housing closed Unicom a Helmholtz resonator, namely: the Helmholtz resonator chamber through the hole neck and sealing machine is connected to the housing interior cavity to reduce sealing machine stimulated acoustic cavity modal amplitude. The experimental results showed that: the resonance frequency of the resonance cavity modulation to the actual maximum sealing machine excited vibration mode, will significantly reduce the resonance peak and causes a significant change in the response spectrum. But it will affect the appearance and sealing machine layout in the refrigerator, the research results are not yet applied to the product.

The amount of residual oil and motor end windings can cause the same types of bulk sealer sound level differences between (deviation from the average sound level). By changing the outside of the housing support to increase torsional rigidity and reduce vibration surface; noise complexity of the research requires the researcher has a strong theoretical quality, the enterprise has a good technical base, and the need for greater investment and longer of the time. This aspect is domestic sealing machine equipment companies one of the weak links in the current experiment basically in qualitative research phase, along with a lot of randomness and chance.

3 new agent application

Environmental protection requirements of the new agent-based applications are also sealing machine equipment industry is a hot issue, as agent for refrigerator products R22 alternative end of the work, the new agent Sealer research in recent years focused on the air-conditioning industry. In addition to currently more mature R410A, R407C research, in recent years the biggest problem is carbon dioxide sealing machine hot research. This article only this aspect as an introduction.

Current research and application on CO2 mainly focused on three aspects: one is the most urgent replacement agent applications, such as automotive air conditioning, as agent emissions from large, are also great harm to the environment, the importance of early use of non-hazardous to the environment agent; other is given to the CO2 cycle characteristics, the most advantageous to use this cycle applications, such as heat pump water heater is considered CO2 under supercritical conditions there is a considerable Exothermic temperature of the heat conducive slip water is heated to a higher temperature characteristics and much attention; further aspect is taken into account thermophysical properties of CO2 and migration properties characteristics, using CO2 as agents, such as taking into account the CO2 good cold flow properties and heat transfer characteristics, using it as a cascade cycle cryogenic stage agent.

Sealer device as a transcritical carbon dioxide air conditioning system efficiency and reliability of the most affected parts should be fully integrated with the specific characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide cycle redesign. CO2 and ammonia as its adiabatic index K value higher than 1.30, which may cause high exhaust temperature sealing machine, but due to CO2 needs sealing machine pressure ratio is small, so no sealing machine itself for cooling. Because of adiabatic index is high, the pressure ratio is small, can be reduced sealing machine re-expansion of the clearance volume loss, so that sealing machine high volumetric efficiency. Through experiments and theoretical research, Jurgen SUB and Horst Kruse found reciprocating sealing machine with good sealing film sliding become CO2 system of choice. BOCK its carbon dioxide exhaust valve sealing machine has been improved, improved carbon dioxide exhaust sealing machine efficiency by 7%.

Since carbon dioxide system pressure is much greater than the critical pressure of the traditional circulatory system, sealing machine seal equipment design requirements are much higher than the original sealing machine, sealing machine seal leakage will remain for some time now hindered The main practical.