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Automatic packaging machine packaging production work is the development direction of

Process operation is processed objects directly for processing basic operations, is essential for complete packaging, processing, automatic packaging machinery packaging materials metering, filling, sealing, etc. are the. Auxiliary operation is to achieve an ongoing process operation requires preparatory operations, such as feeding, transfer, discharge and other operations.

Automatic packaging machines work reflected in the difference between the degree of automation auxiliary operations automation. Automatic packaging machine is the direction of development of packaging machinery, and require more energy to the high-speed and efficient direction, electronic microprocessor control for automatic adjustment of packaging machinery systems will increasingly be used widely. And automated packing plant has been in some advanced countries appear packaging industry.

Automation of survival, for the packaging machinery industry will want a more perfect from the flexible production, security detection technology, manufacturing execution systems, motion control technology these aspects, flexible production allows more flexible product packaging; safe detection technology can enhance the mechanical stability of the survival of this testing areas to gradually expand; for manufacturing Execution System needs to be improved in this area, you need to break through the bottleneck.

For packaging machinery filling machine, sealing machine, packing machine, packaging machine, coding, etc. all aspects of upgrading, it is necessary to start from the motion control technology that is the key.