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Packaging machinery and equipment routine maintenance methods and step sequence

Packaging Machinery routine maintenance there are several steps that must be performed. Equipment for cleaning, respectively, fastening, adjustment, lubrication and corrosion work. In the usual production process, machine maintenance staff should be: according to the machine packaging equipment maintenance manuals and maintenance procedures prescribed period to enforce the maintenance work, reducing the rate of wear of parts, failure to eliminate hidden dangers, extended machine life.

     Mechanical maintenance work are: routine maintenance, regular maintenance and special maintenance. Regular maintenance can be divided into a maintenance, two maintenance and three maintenance categories, special care can be divided into two kinds of seasonal maintenance and deactivation maintenance. The following article will these types of maintenance work processes and specific precautions are introduced.

     Routine maintenance of packaging machinery to clean, lubricate, inspect and tighten as the focus of the work and working in the machine after routine maintenance should be carried out as required.

     A maintenance routine maintenance work is carried out on the basis of focus on job content is lubricating, tightening and check and clean the relevant parts of the work.

     Two maintenance work to check and adjust the focus. To check the specific engine, clutch, transmission, transmission components, steering and braking components.

     Three focus is testing and maintenance, adjustment, troubleshooting risks and balance the various components of wear. To affect the device performance of the site and the site for signs of a faulty diagnostic tests and status checks, and then complete the necessary replacement, adjustment and troubleshooting work.

     Seasonal maintenance refers to the packaging equipment annually before the beginning of summer and winter should focus on power systems (engines), conveyor systems (screw shaft and belt conveyors), compressed air system (check the air compressor lubrication and sealing), and control systems (Friends of the special mechanical and electrical control cabinet overhaul, this part need Youte sales engineers under the guidance) and other components of the detection and repair.

     Disable maintenance is due to seasonal factors in the packaging equipment (such as winter break period), etc. need to disable some time, you should do a good job cleaning, cosmetic, matching, moisture, corrosion and so on.