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Analysis of the future of the packaging industry made

But at present, China packaging equipment exports less than 5% of GDP, imports and GDP are quite probably, a far cry from the developed countries. Why is there such a situation? The reason is mainly the irrational industrial structure, technological backwardness and other ills.

First, in 2004, industrial output value of China's packaging equipment is expected to reach more than 3000 billion yuan, an annual growth rate of 7%, of which paper packaging products will reach 19 million tons of plastic packaging products is expected to reach 5.04 million tons, metal packaging products is expected to reach 2.88 million tons, glass packaging products is expected to reach 10.5 million tons, packaging machinery will reach 670,000 sets.

Second, from 2006 to 2010, the packaging industry is expected to reach 450 billion yuan output value, maintaining an average annual growth rate of 7%.

Third, from 2011 to 2015, total output value of packaging equipment could reach 600 billion yuan, an average annual growth rate of 6%. 2015, paper packaging products can be present packaging industry is still in the stage of rapid development, but experts predict that the future of China's packaging industry persistent overcapacity, excessive dependence on energy resources consumption, capability of independent innovation is weak, the competitiveness of enterprises is not strong, industry economies of scale is not commensurate with the quality of structural and other defects will stand out. Extended packaging industry chain, so deep bigger packaging industry, optimize the industrial structure, enhance the capability of independent innovation, will be the future of the packaging industry trends.

Future packaging equipment industry development is not limited to the development of the packaging material itself and applications, but also in the deep processing work on, China's packaging industry is still in the packaging industry chain downstream, more low-level packaging technology, the future of the packaging industry continued Development needs to radically adjust the industrial structure.

As China's prosperity and development of commodity economy, improve people's quality of life and consumption levels, accelerated pace of life, consumers microwave food, snack food, frozen food isokinetic food demand is growing. Insiders pointed out that this trend will accelerate frozen food, convenience food packaging needs; Meanwhile, the government put forward the industrialization of agriculture development plan, focusing on the development of deep processing of agricultural and sideline products deep processing projects need to complete a lot of packaging machinery and packaging materials ; the National Development and Reform Commission will be classified as food processing and packaging machinery food industry development focus priority development areas, which are the development of packaging machinery industry will bring a broad prospect in the future a longer period of time, the annual food and packaging machinery Growth is expected to exceed 12%.

Unfavorable factors, the most urgent is to change the packaging machinery industry in the development of enterprises, enterprises should go look at a new starting point and solve these conflicts and problems, change the development concept, strengthen independent innovation, enhance market awareness, vigorously promote the development of domestic packaging machinery industry. To change the status of the packaging machinery industry, and promote the development of packaging machinery industry in stride at the same time pay attention to packaging machinery trends.