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Components industry, 2012 Daily Report: special electronic equipment and instruments Twelfth Five Year Plan Review

    MIIT on February 24 issued a "special electronic equipment and instruments" second five "plan", "planning" involves electronic equipment and electronic equipment two industries, will focus on six areas of development, involving integrated circuits, new production equipment components and semiconductor and integrated circuit testing instruments.
    "Twelve Five" period of domestic electronic equipment output value 220 billion yuan target instrument: the "Eleventh Five-Year" period of domestic electronic equipment sales revenue achieved an average annual growth of 20%, but the market is still small, the domestic semiconductor equipment market in 2010 accounted for only 5.67% of global market share, while in the product technology with the United States, Japan, Europe and other developed regions there is a big gap. According to "planning" requirements, "Twelve Five" period, China's electronic special equipment industry and the electronics industry will achieve 17% and 15% annual growth rate to 2015 sales revenue of 40 billion and 180 billion yuan. While the formation of enterprises as the mainstay, and research with a combination of technological innovation system, developed to meet the demands of major national strategies, with market competitiveness of key products and enhance market self-sufficiency, and foster a number of key enterprises.
    Focus on developing integrated circuits, solar cells, new components production equipment, communications and networking, semiconductors and integrated circuits, digital TV test equipment: Electronic equipment and instruments industry is an important basic industry, occupy the commanding heights of the electronic information industry, technology, for the promotion of the overall development of China's electronic information industry has tremendous leverage. However, due to weak domestic electronic equipment manufacturing base, now mainly rely on imports of key equipment, how to upgrade local products matching rate, narrowing the domestic IC equipment, technology level and international advanced level, is the "planning" key objectives.
    (1) IC production equipment: Achieving 8 inches 0.13 micron IC equipment and complete production lines 12 inches 65 nm -45 nm IC key equipment industry, in addition to lithography machines, including etching, packaging and testing equipment and other basic gap to a generation of even basic synchronization; (2) solar cell production equipment: solar grade polysilicon and monocrystalline growth, cutting, cleaning equipment, automatic crystalline silicon solar cell production line equipment and thin-film solar production equipment to achieve industrialization, technology has reached the international advanced level; (3) new components production equipment: focus on the development of OLED display technology related production equipment research and development, especially in the field of technological breakthroughs in AMOLED, surface mount equipment in addition to automatic placement machine outside reached the international advanced level, the IC package after equipment, liquid crystal display device after the process equipment, LED Equipment (except MOCVD), chip components equipment, purification equipment close to the international advanced level.
    (4) Test equipment: focusing on the 4G TD-LTE base stations and terminals, RF and high-speed analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, memory, digital television and other developed special test equipment.
    Industrial countries will continue to play a guiding role, and promote the improvement of industrial support policies: From the characteristics of the industry point of view, electronic equipment development cycle is long, capital investment, while requiring accurate grasp of technology and market orientation, a high investment in high-risk industries, and therefore policy support and guidance for local equipment manufacturers to develop an extremely important role. "Planning" also made a full national major science and technology, electronic information industry development fund guiding role in supporting product innovation, encourage local ordering and use of major technical equipment for the domestic development of special equipment and instruments provide a good market environment and policy support and enhance the competitive advantage of local products and special instruments to strengthen the integrated circuit, IC equipment and key parts of electronic equipment and other related enterprises preferential tax policies for support.
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